Februar 02. 2022

Cool Compensation Considerations for the Private Company 2022: Pay, Performance and Perspectives


Why You Should Attend

Significant trends associated with the compensatory practices of U.S. listed companies are often reported upon in the mainstream and financial press and other emerging patterns can otherwise be observed through those publicly filed documents that such companies are required to file in accordance with applicable securities law requirements. However, for the many unlisted and other private companies that are not required to make such filings, the trends, practices and challenges may be harder to assess. Obtaining key insight from leading practitioners about the private company space thus is highly valuable for those that advise such companies, particularly when the perspectives are shaped by the ever burgeoning legal and regulatory landscape and the commercial lens. Like their publicly-traded company counterparts, private companies, private equity funds and their portfolio companies, startups, and closely-held mature ventures face relentless competitive compensation considerations. The pandemic has raised and in many respects continues to raise additional challenges, both legal and commercial, as companies literally navigate over uncertain waters.

This program is specifically designed to bring leading experts to discuss cutting edge advanced developments on compensation and other “reward” practices for the non-publicly traded company.

What You Will Learn

  • Explore leading practitioners’ perspectives on compensation trends affected non-public companies broadly and selected industries (i.e. financial services) specifically
  • Learn how the pandemic has affected compensation practices and how companies have responded and are responding
  • Understand experienced views on the private equity compensation and carried interests
  • Gain insights on turnaround management and performance improvement for troubled companies returning to solvency
  • Examine the latest legal, tax reform and other regulatory developments, cases and trends of interest

For more information, please visit the event website.

verwandte Beratungsfelder und Industrien


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