Juni 10. 2024

ANP Approves Studies of Pre-Salt Blocks


On May 29, 2024, the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) published Resolution No. 322/2024, approving the geo-economic studies relating to four pre-salt blocks: (i) Rodocrosita; (ii) Cerussita; (iii) Aragonita; and (iv) Malaquita (Santos basin). These studies were carried out over a total area of around 13,000 km², and indicate that the region is suitable to support the development of projects.

The four approved blocks will be presented to the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) to evaluate their possible inclusion in future bidding rounds. It is up to the MME to propose to the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE) the definition of which blocks will be offered under the production sharing regime.

These geo-economic studies are the result of the first project carried out under the “Strategic Calendar of Geological and Economic Evaluations” created by ANP at the end of 2023. This initiative allows players to access the location of the areas being studied by the Agency, and which could potentially be included in the list of pre-salt blocks available in the next cycle of the permanent offer under the production sharing regime.

Under this initiative, ANP’s Department of Geological and Economic Evaluation (SGM) presented the geoeconomic studies for the Pre-Salt areas (Malaquita, Hematita, Opala and Calcita) before the ANP’s Board of Directors this year.

More studies are expected to be concluded during this year, following this schedule:

geoeconomic studies for the Pre-Salt areas

We will continue to monitor the development of the Strategic Calendar of Geological and Economic Evaluation. and keep you posted.

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