September 05. 2024

Ports & Maritime News | August 26-September 1, 2024


The Ports & Maritime team has compiled the sector’s main news for the week of August 26–September 1 to keep you informed.

The preparatory tender documents for the STS08 terminal, located in the Port of Santos, São Paulo, have been approved by ANTAQ. The port will, therefore, continue with the process of leasing the area.

Source: ANTAQ

ANTAQ has approved the opening of a public hearing and consultation on improving the proposal to review Normative Resolution 01/2015. The norm regulates the procedures and criteria for chartering a vessel by a Brazilian shipping company in port support, maritime support, cabotage, and long distance shipping.

The period for contributions to the public hearing will be from September 9 through October 23. The date of the virtual session will be set afterwards.

Source: ANTAQ

On September 3, ANTAQ held an in-person meeting to receive and discuss contributions for the 2025-2028 Regulatory Agenda Proposal related to maritime navigation. This meeting was the first of three meetings. At the same time, contributions are also being accepted for the Regulatory Result Assessment Agenda (ARR) 2023-2026.

Source: ANTAQ

The “Characterization of Crossing Berthing Points” study, which is part of the 2021-2024 Multi-Year Study Agenda, has been approved by ANTAQ. The aim is to study  the berthing points used by the water transport services crossing. Data was collected from 47 crossings, the majority (72.8%) in the North of Brazil.

Source: ANTAQ

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