Benjamin Beck
Intellectual Property, Digital Assets, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Cybersecurity & Data Privacy
Benjamin Beck ist Counsel im Bereich Intellectual Property im Frankfurter Büro von Mayer Brown. Er berät Mandanten in Fragen des deutschen und europäischen Immaterialgüter- und Technologierechts mit den Schwerpunkten Patentstreitigkeiten, Geschäftsgeheimnisse, Datenschutz und digitalen Vermögenswerten (digital assets).
Benjamin hat Mandanten in umfangreichen – teilweise grenzüberschreitenden – Patentstreitigkeiten vertreten, sowohl im Technologie- als auch im Life-Science-Bereich. Seine Erfahrung deckt ein breites Spektrum an Technologien ab, darunter monoklonale Antikörper, Aerogele, Fitness- und Freizeitgeräte, Unterhaltungselektronik und Telekommunikation (einschließlich standardessentieller Patente).
Neben streitigen Angelegenheiten berät er Mandanten in Fragen des Technologie-, Datenschutz- und Immaterialgüterrechts, einschließlich in allen Phasen komplexer M&A-Transaktionen. Er berät Mandanten aus verschiedenen Branchen bei der Einhaltung einer Vielzahl von Datenschutz- und Cybersicherheitsgesetzen wie der EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung (GDPR), der EU-Richtlinie über die Sicherheit von Netzwerk- und Informationssystemen (NIS-Richtlinie), dem EU-Cybersicherheitsgesetz und deutschen Datenschutzgesetzen auf Bundes- und Landesebene. Seine Erfahrung umfasst grenzüberschreitende Datenübermittlungen und die Betreuung von Cyber-Vorfällen inklusive damit einhergehender Meldepflichten.
Durch seine multidisziplinäre Technologiepraxis hat Benjamin auch Erfahrung in der Analyse von Fragen im Zusammenhang mit Blockchain und DLT-Anwendungen, einschließlich nicht-fungibler Token (NTFs). Seine Erfahrung umfasst Token-Kaufverträge und Geschäftsgeheimnisstreitsachen im Zusammenhang mit Krypto-Mining-Technologie. Darüber hinaus spricht und veröffentlicht er regelmäßig zu privatrechtlichen und regulatorischen Aspekten von digitalen Vermögenswerten und Kryptowährungen, einschließlich digitaler Zentralbankwährungen (CBDCs).
Patent Litigation
- Represented Japanese consumer electronics manufacturer in multiple German patent infringement proceedings against leading smartphone manufacturers. The cases involved coordination with parallel German invalidity proceedings and U.S. litigation.
- Represented leading U.S. fitness equipment manufacturer in numerous patent infringement enforcement actions throughout Europe, inter alia, at international trade shows.
- Advised leading U.S. rare disease pharmaceutical company on allegations of patent infringement in relation to a therapeutic antibody drug.
- Advised leading Korean consumer electronics manufacturer on requirements for EU FRAND license negotiations, as part of arbitration proceedings over royalty rates.
- Advised US-based hedge fund on the implications of pan-European patent litigation cases involving two portfolio companies from the pharmaceutical sector.
Data Privacy / Cyber Security
- Advised German operator of 41 nursing homes on a full-scale GDPR compliance project. Our advice included the draft of all types of GDPR information documents, consent forms and data processing agreements, and also dealt with e.g. data exchanges between nursing homes and pharmacies and attending physicians, respectively.
- Advised on several other GDPR compliance projects, inter alia, for an operator of cross-border student exchange programs.
- Advised U.S. based global specialty chemicals company on the GDPR implications of the physical transport of personal data to non EEA-countries.
- Advised German bank on GDPR issues related to factoring.
- Advised several clients on the draft of website privacy declarations, including a Swiss Chocolate Manufacturer and a U.S. based global specialty chemicals company.
- Advised various clients on data privacy and data security issues within the context of corporate transactions, which frequently included the analyzation of intra-group data transfer for compliance.
Trademark / Trademark Litigation
- Frequently advised leading labelling organization for fair trade on IP-related issues, such as the global application of certification marks, which included the draft of certification mark regulations. Our advice, inter alia, also covered creative commons licensing models and unfair competition law.
- Advised U.S. based global brewing and distilling company on German trademark applications.
- Advising Asolvi on the acquisition of Dr. Herwig Computer & Systemberatung GmbH.
- Advising HOERBIGER on the acquisition of JOHNSON MATTHEY Piezo Products GmbH.
- Advising Lear Corporation, a global automotive technology leader in Seating and E-Systems, on the acquisition of I.G. Bauerhin (IGB).
- Advising DBAG on the acquisition of German IT services group akquinet AG and two data centers.
- Advised Lear Corporation on acquisition of Kongsberg Automotive’s Interior Comfort Systems Business Unit.
- Advised Moving Intelligence on the acquisition of PLT Software GmbH.
- Advised German private equity firm on the acquisition of a group of companies focused on digitization and cloud transformation in relation to IP, IT and data protection.
- Advised Luxembourg investment funds on the acquisition of a group of companies focused on LNG marine bunkering services in relation to IP, IT and compliance.
- Advised Swiss multinational food and drink company on the acquisition and divestiture of a group of healthcare companies offering nutrition in relation to IP, IT.
- Advised Dutch investment fund on the acquisition of two companies offering parenting equipment, such as strollers and toys, in relation to data protection.
- Advised German private equity firm on the acquisition of two Dutch groups of companies offering water pumping services and excavator support mats, respectively, in relation to IP and IT.
- Advised British-Dutch transnational consumer goods company on the acquisition of German meat substitutes manufacturer in relation to IP, IT and data protection.
- Advised UK private equity firm on the acquisition of leading German internet and multimedia service provider in relation to IP, IT and data protection.
- Advised German private equity firm on the acquisition of a group of companies, involving providers of data center services and of software development, respectively, in relation to IP, IT and data protection.
- Advised German private equity firm on the acquisition of a group of companies from the plastic moulding industry in relation to IP, IT and data protection.
- Advised German private equity firm on the sale of a German food manufacturer in relation to IP, IT and data protection.
- Referendariat
Landgericht Wiesbaden, 2015-2017 - Erstes Juristisches Staatsexamen
Frankfurt am Main, 2012
- Düsseldorf, Deutschland
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR)
- Vereinigung von Fachleuten des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes (VPP)
- Young International Arbitration Group (YIAG)