February 25, 2022

Mayer Brown Hong Kong supports local community with a HK$500,000 donation to the fight against COVID-19

The Hong Kong Office of Mayer Brown today announced a HK$500,000 donation to the Hong Kong Community Anti-Coronavirus Link, an organisation that supports those most impacted during these uncertain times by securing and delivering essential resources to front line medical staff, the elderly and communities in need, including supporting the disinfection and cleaning of community buildings across Hong Kong to prevent the spread of infection.
Commenting on the firm’s COVID-19 response in Hong Kong, Terence Tung, Senior Partner for Asia, said: “It is imperative that all businesses in Hong Kong join the fight against COVID-19 and lend their support to help the Government and local charities in securing and delivering essential resources to those most in need. The Hong Kong Community Anti-Coronavirus Link has undertaken exceptional work in this regard and we hope our contributions will help in the fight against the latest wave of the Omicron variant. In addition to this donation and our other volunteering efforts, we will continue to support our charity partner organisations with fundraising initiatives over the coming weeks and months.”  

“We thank Mayer Brown Hong Kong for their donation and support during this challenging time. For the community to succeed in fighting this latest wave of infections, we need people and businesses from all sectors to lend their support and encouragement,” said Bunny Chan Chung-bun, Convenor of the Hong Kong Community Anti-Coronavirus Link.

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