septiembre 10 2020

Madden and True Lender: Potential Impact of Recent Developments



Over the past few months, there have been a number of significant legal developments related to Madden and true lender, including agency rulemakings, lawsuits and the settlement of litigation in Colorado. These developments will have a direct impact on bank partner programs, lending platforms, investors and secondary market participants and will likely shape the debate around these issues for the foreseeable future. Please join Mayer Brown lawyers Steve Kaplan, Eric Mitzenmacher and Jeff Taft for a discussion of the key takeaways for bank partner programs, investors purchasing loans and secondary market participants funding the acquisition of or arranging the securitization of such loans.

Mayer Brown’s Global Financial Markets Initiative helps clients deal with the legal and business challenges resulting from the ongoing turbulence in worldwide financial markets. By mobilizing the firm’s global resources from multiple practices and offices, the initiative provides clients with knowledgeable and timely counsel on a broad spectrum of their legal needs.

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