
Mayer Brown is uniquely setup to provide seamless legal advice on transactions in Brazil

Clients trust us on their most challenging transactions in Brazil because:

Successful cooperation

Thanks to our long-lasting association with Tauil & Chequer Advogados (T&C) we can rely on leading full-service offices in both Brazil and Germany, which have been working together for many years.

Qualified senior partners

With Christian Roschmann we have a senior M&A partner in Sao Paulo qualified to practice German and Brazilian law. Our German M&A team is led by Ulrike Binder in Frankfurt. With this unique setting we offer German clients a one-stop-shop and provide highest quality advice across both jurisdictions.

Country and client specific insights

We know the challenges specific to Brazil and what German clients need to meet them. We are therefore able to ensure that our clients take legally sound, secure and informed investment decisions.


Drawing on experience gained over decades navigating the challenging Brazilian legal and business environment, our partners guide German clients through transactions. Examples include advising:

  • Hapag Lloyd on the formation of the first joint venture for the rendering of cabotage services between a foreign shipping carrier and a Brazilian partner.
  • Emnify on the acquisition of its Brazilian M2M e IoT business.
  • Linde on the disposal of its Brazilian gas assets.*
  • Siemens on the acquisition of the Brazilian turbine business.*
  • ThyssenKrupp on the disposal of its steel mill CSA in Rio de Janeiro.*
  • Celesio on the disposal of its Brazilian pharma distribution business.*


*Experience of team member before joining Mayer Brown/T&C


Our work in Brazil has included counselling clients on challenging transactions across industries. Below are a few examples.

Doing Business in Brazil

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Business Opportunities in Brazilian Ports

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