juin 19 2024

Europe Daily News, 19 June 2024



  • Prior notification of a concentration (Case M.11580 - EDF / Generali / Parcolog)
  • Prior notification of a concentration (Case M.11606 - Blackstone / MDP / AIR Control Concepts Holdings)
  • Prior notification of a concentration (Case M.11518 - Macquarie / Aberdeen / AIP / Certain DIGI Assets In Spain)
  • Non-opposition to a notified concentration (Case M.11428 - ZGC ENV / Deutz China / JV)
  • Estonia - The Estonian fuel market is functioning but needs effective supervision and transparency to serve consumers’ interests
  • Lithuania - The Competition Council has completed its investigation into the implementation of an unnotified concentration and sent a Statement of Objections (SO) to Enefi
  • Spain - Investigation of the electricity distribution company of the Naturgy Group (UFD) and its parent companies for possible anti-competitive practices
  • Apple to settle ‘tap-and-go’ payments probe with EU - Tech company willing to open mobile pay system to rivals in concessions that will help avoid antitrust fines from the bloc - Financial Times


  • Judgment of the Court of 19 June 2024 in Case T-671/22, Vima World, SA Vs. European Commission
    Re: State aid - Madeira free zone - Aid scheme implemented by Portugal - Decision finding that the scheme does not comply with Decisions C(2007) 3037 final and C(2013) 4043 final, declaring that scheme incompatible with the internal market and ordering the recovery of aid paid under it - Obligation to state reasons - Concept of 'existing aid' within the meaning of Article 1, (b)(ii) of Regulation (EU) 2015/1589 - Imputation of tax paid in another Member State in order to prevent double taxation - Tax autonomy of Member States - Recovery - Legitimate expectations - Legal certainty - Proportionality
  • Authorisation for State aid pursuant to Articles 107 and 108 of the TFEU - Cases where the Commission raises no objections – SA.106299
  • Communication from the Commission - Guidelines on State aid to promote risk finance investments: acceptance of the proposed appropriate measures pursuant to Article 108(1) of the TFEU by Member States


  • Agenda for: Working Party on Customs Union - 25 June 2024
  • Agenda for: Working Party on Customs Union - 24 June 2024
  • Agenda for: Working Party on the United Kingdom - 21 June 2024
  • Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/1726 of 18 June 2024 on the introduction of tariff quota for oats resulting from Regulation (EU) 2024/1392 of the European Parliament and of the Council on temporary trade-liberalisation measures supplementing trade concessions applicable to Ukrainian products under the Association Agreement between the Union and Ukraine
  • Answer given by EVP Dombrovskis to a written question - Urgent action to protect the EU’s fibre-optics industry and support businesses and workers
  • Answer given by EVP Dombrovskis to a written question - EU reliance on Chinese energy sources and related subsidy investigations
  • Next steps for the WTO in combating illicit trade by DDG Jean-Marie Paugam
  • WTO - Items proposed for consideration at the next meeting of Dispute Settlement Body - 24 June 2024
  • Copa-Cogeca: Statement - EU–China trade tensions: Agri-food sector caught in the crossfire
  • EU-China relations could still degenerate into full-blown trade war, analysts say - Euractiv.com
  • As Russia shifts from gas exports to fertilizers, it is time for the EU to act - Euractiv.com
  • Europe must prepare for five years of radical change - It otherwise risks being left behind by the US and China - Financial Times
  • The EU has a chicken feet problem with China - A transformed trade relationship has left Europe’s farmers vulnerable to retaliation - Financial Times
  • Europe gives China a taste of its own trade medicine - Europe is using the threat of tariffs to press Chinese electric car makers to set up in the EU and share know-how - Politico.eu


  • Agenda for: 1st meeting of the Machinery Regulation Committee - 27 June 2024,
  • Agenda for: Committee on market surveillance & compliance of products - 27 June 2024
  • The Danube 2024 Forum invites regions to work together to tackle climate, economic and geopolitical threats - Midday Express
  • Commissioner Breton visits Greece and Cyprus for discussions on defence, cybersecurity and industrial competitiveness - Midday Express
  • Directive (EU) 2024/1619 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 2024 amending Directive 2013/36/EU as regards supervisory powers, sanctions, third-country branches, and environmental, social and governance risks


  • Summary of European Commission Decisions on authorisations for the placing on the market for the use and/or for use of substances listed in Annex XIV to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the REACH - Chromium trioxide - C(2024) 3840Sodium dichromate C(2024) 3832


  • Regulation (EU) 2024/1620 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 2024 establishing the Authority for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism and amending Regulations (EU) No 1093/2010, (EU) No 1094/2010 and (EU) No 1095/2010
  • Regulation (EU) 2024/1624 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 2024 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing
  • Directive (EU) 2024/1640 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 2024 on the mechanisms to be put in place by Member States for the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, amending Directive(EU) 2019/1937, and amending and repealing Directive (EU) 2015/849
  • Opinion of the European Central Bank of 30 April 2024 on a proposed Regulation and Directive on payment and electronic money services (CON/2024/13)
  • ESAs propose improvements to the sustainable finance disclosure regulation



  • Council Decision on the denial of advantages under Part III of the Energy Charter Treaty by the Union to any legal entity that is owned or controlled by citizens or nationals of the Russian Federation or of the Republic of Belarus and to any investment within the meaning of the Energy Charter Treaty which is an investment of an investor of the Russian Federation or of the Republic of Belarus
  • Council Decision on the denial of advantages under Part III of the Energy Charter Treaty by the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) to any legal entity that is owned or controlled by citizens or nationals of the Russian Federation or of the Republic of Belarus and to any investment within the meaning of the Energy Charter Treaty which is an investment of an investor of the Russian Federation or of the Republic of Belarus


  • Agenda for: 28th Meeting of the “Multi-Stakeholder Platform on Protecting and Restoring the World’s Forests” - 20 June 2024
  • Surface water and groundwater: Council agrees negotiating mandate to update list of pollutants
  • Commissioner Hoekstra travels to Azerbaijan for COP29 preparations - Midday Express
  • New EEA monitoring tool reviews progress on plastics circularity in Europe
  • The 8th Environmental Action Programme Mid-term Review - The way forward to a green and just transition for a sustainable Europe - Council conclusions



  • Agenda for: 86th meeting of the the Radio Spectrum Policy - 03 July 2024
  • Agenda for: 12th meeting of the Digital Europe Programme Committee - 25 June 2024
  • Council Regulation (EU) 2024/1732 of 17 June 2024 amending Regulation (EU) 2021/1173 as regards a EuroHPC initiative for start-ups in order to boost European leadership in trustworthy artificial intelligence
  • Going beyond the AI Act: Time for a more holistic approach across Europe? - See EPC Policy Brief


  • Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down additional procedural rules relating to the enforcement of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - General approach


  • The Commission has today proposed an annual EU budget of €199.7 billion for 2025 - QaA
  • European Semester Spring Package provides policy guidance to enhance the EU's competitiveness and resilience, and maintain sound public finances - QaA
  • President of the Eurogroup, Paschal Donohoe, travels to Luxembourg to chair the Eurogroup and the ESM Board of Governors and to Vienna and Rome to participate in panel discussions
  • ECB - Euro area monthly balance of payments: April 2024
  • The wage-price pass-through across sectors: evidence from the euro area - ECB Working Paper Series No.2948
  • Speech by Luis de Guindos: Strengthening European financial markets to ensure a more resilient future
  • Brussels to chide France over deficit as spending clash looms - EU officials fear bigger battle with Paris on budget rules if far right or left take power after election - Financial Times


  • Commissioner Johansson at the EU-US Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting - Midday Express
  • Commission decides to register two new European Citizens' Initiatives
  • Organised crime: Council reports on EU-wide crime-fighting actions



  • Judgment of the General Court of 19 June 2024 in Case T‑738/22, Igor Rotenberg Vs. Council of the European Union
    Re: CFPS - Restrictive measures taken in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine - Freezing of funds - List of persons, entities and bodies subject to the freezing of funds and economic resources - Maintaining the applicant’s name on the list - Definition of ‘benefitting from Russian decision-makers’ - Definition of ‘benefitting from the Government of the Russian Federation’ - Article 2(1)(d) and (f) of Decision 2014/145/CFSP - Obligation to state reasons - Error of assessment - Proportionality - Right to property – Freedom to conduct a business
  • EU to provide €99 million in humanitarian assistance for Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • HR/VP Borrell travels to Austria to advance EU – Western Balkans relations - Midday Expres
  • Joint Statement by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, and UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Pramila Patten, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence

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