

Emiliano Represa

International Arbitration, Construction & Engineering, Projects & Infrastructure


Avocat aux barreaux de Paris, Madrid et Buenos Aires, Emiliano est collaborateur dans le département d'arbitrage international de Mayer Brown à Paris.

Il intervient lors d’arbitrages internationaux dans différents secteurs d'activités, tels la construction, les énergies renouvelables, l’exploitation minière, l’hôtellerie et l’agriculture. Il est aussi intervenu comme conseiller d’entreprises, d’Etats et d’entités étatiques dans plus d’une dizaine d'arbitrages commerciaux ou d'investissement. Il conseille également des investisseurs en amont des litiges, pour leur assurer une protection optimale en vertu des traités d’investissement, ainsi que dans les négociations précontentieuses. Il intervient également comme secrétaire administratif de tribunaux arbitraux.

Dans le cadre de son master LLM Masters on International Dispute Settlement (MIDS), Emiliano a rédigé une thèse sur le déni de justice dans les procédures administratives, sous la direction du professeur Zachary Douglas KC.

Avant de rejoindre Mayer Brown en 2017, Emiliano était collaborateur dans un cabinet international spécialisé en arbitrage d’investissement à Buenos Aires.

En plus de l'espagnol, sa langue maternelle, Emiliano parle couramment anglais et français. 


  • Representing two consortia acting as EPC contractors in respect of disputes arising out of the construction of two CSP (thermal solar) power plants, in Africa, one in Morocco and one in South Africa, against the owners of the plants.  The plant in Morocco is part of the world’s largest CSP complex.
  • Representing a French CAC40 company in an ICC dispute against a European State agency, arising out of the construction and operation of the district heating system of various municipalities from said State.
  • Representing a consortium of a French and a Brazilian company in an ICC arbitration against a State-owned company concerning the construction and operation of a water treatment plant in Lima (Peru).
  • Representing a Spanish construction company, successfully rejecting a claim brought by a French company and achieving a favourable award in counterclaims for more than 2 million EUR in an ICC arbitration related to an oil refinery in France (Spanish and French law – proceedings in Spanish).
  • Representing an investor on an investment dispute related to a gold and mine project in Ecuador, claiming breaches of the Peru-China BIT.
  • Representing a Canadian investor successfully achieving a 40 + million USD compensation award, in a NAFTA treaty arbitration in LMC v. United Mexican States (ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/15/2).
  • Representing Venezuela on an investment arbitration proceeding initiated by a British investor on a dispute related to investments in the agriculture and livestock sector (ICSID Case No. ARB /06/4).
  • Representing Venezuela on an investment arbitration proceeding initiated by a Barbados investor on a dispute related to investments in the automotive sector (Caso CIADI No ARB /12/24).
  • Representing Venezuela on an investment arbitration proceeding initiated by a Barbados investor on a dispute related to investments in the hospitality and tourism sector (ICSID Case No ARB /12/20).
  • Representing Venezuela on an investment arbitration proceeding initiated by a US investor on a dispute related to investments in the glass manufacture sector (ICSID Case No. ARB /12/21).
  • Acting as the secretary of the arbitral tribunal in a dispute arising out of the execution of a contract for the execution of civil engineering works in a paper mill in Spain (Spanish law - proceedings in Spanish).


  • Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Law Degree, LLM Geneva Master in International Dispute Settlement

Inscription au Barreau

  • Buenos Aires
  • Madrid
  • Paris


  • Anglais
  • Français
  • Espagnol

Engagement professionnel et communautaire

  • Visiting lecturer at LLM in Transnational Arbitration & Dispute Settlement, a Science Po School of Law Program.