outubro 07 2022

Rachel Speight named to Women in Mining UK board

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London — Mayer Brown is pleased to announce  that Banking & Finance partner Rachel Speight has been asked to join the board of Women in Mining UK (WIM UK) as a non-executive director, effective immediately. 

Rachel represents a range of clients in international financings, particularly focused in the mining sector. She has advised on the financing of mining projects across the globe. 

Rachel has been listed in the “The International Who’s Who of Mining Lawyers” for ten consecutive years, and has been named as one of the “Hot 100” lawyers by the UK legal industry trade publication, The Lawyer (2015). She is a past recipient of Women in Mining’s “100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining” award. 

Mayer Brown has been a proud partner of WIM UK for over a decade, acting as its pro bono counsel. 

WIM UK is a volunteer-run, non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the employment, retention, and advancement of women in the mining and metals sector. 


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