septembre 18 2024

The CMA's Open-door Policy on Green Agreements: Don't all rush in! What do we know following the first half year of the guidance?


With the UK Competition and Markets Authority’s formal Green Agreements Guidance having been in effect for more than six months, we now have early indications of the CMA’s initial approach, in practice, to assessing collaboration between competitors seeking to achieve green goals. In this article, Mark Hills and Sarah Wilks unpack the main lessons learnt so far and flag key points to consider when assessing potential collaboration in this space.

To read the complete article visit Thought Leaders 4 Competition Quarterly Competition Magazine (extract).

This article was first published in the Quarterly Competition Magazine of Thought Leaders 4 Competition in September 2024.

For further information on the key aspects of the CMA’s Green Agreements Guidance relevant for businesses considering ESG collaboration, see our guide.

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