
Dawn Raids: New Ways to Manage a Crisis and Protect Your Company


Please join Mayer Brown for an interactive webinar series addressing global competition challenges in this dynamic era. In each segment, we will discuss how to measure and mitigate the risk of enforcement action and litigation you or your investment targets might face.

Webinar Series (3): Dawn Raids: New Ways to Manage a Crisis and Protect Your Company

Antitrust dawn raids—unannounced inspections—have seen an uptick in recent times, as competition authorities are receiving fewer leniency applications and developing investigations on their own initiative. Companies should implement training so that they are ready to respond to dawn raids using procedures adapted to this new environment. This webinar will discuss best practices and key considerations on how to react to a dawn raid: 

  • Key stages of an inspection
  • Rights and obligations of inspected companies
  • Judicial review

Learn more about Mayer Brown’s Dawn Raid App which guides you through the crucial first steps if you are the target of a dawn raid: https://www.mayerbrown.com/en/information/dawn-raids

Please join our panel of lawyers for this instalment of the Competition Law webinar series as they offer practical guidance on the preparation and management of inspections across multiple jurisdictions.


We also hope to see you at the future webinars:

