
François-Régis Gonon


He is a very strong and reliable partner.
Chambers Europe


François-Régis Gonon helps clients navigate the complexities of structured finance, securitization, acquisition finance, fund finance, general banking transactions and banking & finance regulatory matters. 

Sponsors, arrangers and originators turn to François-Régis for counsel on structuring and restructuring of pan-European and French securitizations, factoring and trade receivables purchase programs, asset-based lending transactions as well as creating and structuring of French or global debt funds. He also advises financial institutions and sponsors on leveraged finance matters involving a wide variety of assets and industries, as well as on fund finance transactions. 


Structured Finance and Securitization


  • A pool of international credit institutions, on the French law aspects of a securitization transaction dedicated to the financing of the acquisition of portfolio of Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL) receivables
  • Two international financial institutions (acting as senior lenders) on the setting up of a pan-European trade receivables securitization transaction for a US industrial group.
  • An English investment fund on its investment in a French securitization fund (FCT) dedicated to the purchasing of a portfolio of non-performing consumer loans.


Ranked in Chambers Europe – Capital Markets: Structured Finance,  Clients say "He is a very strong and reliable partner.

  • Recognized "Band 3 – Individual" by Chambers France in Capital Markets: Structured Finance – France - "François-Régis Gonon of Mayer Brown advises both issuers and banks on structured finance transactions, including trade receivables matters."

  • "Highly regarded"  in "Banking", "Capital Markets: Structured Finance and Securitisation", "Financial Services Regulatory" and "Investment Funds" in France – IFLR 1000
  • "François-Régis Gonon provides good advice in financing and factoring transactions." – Legal 500 EMEA
  • "François-Régis Gonon qui fournit un ‘bon conseil en matière d’opérations de financement et de factoring’" “Réactif et disponible”  – Legal 500 Paris
  • One of the "Leading Lawyers" in France – IFLR 1000 


  • Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po), Economics and Finance Section, Paris
  • Université Paris X Nanterre, Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies
  • University of Westminster, LLB (Hons)
  • Université Paris X Nanterre, Maîtrise Droit des Affaires


  • 上塞纳省


  • 法语
  • 英语
  • 西班牙语