
John S. Hahn

诉讼及争议解决, 环境

“methodical, strategic and experienced attorney.”
Chambers USA 2019


For over 40 years, John Hahn's practice has encompassed a variety of high-stakes environmental counseling and litigation matters. These have involved defense against federal and state enforcement actions and challenges to rulemaking authority, as well as private-sector disputes over contaminated sites and issues of successor liability. He has extensive experience with challenges to real estate development and the allocation of environmental liabilities in corporate and real estate transactions. John is recognized by Chambers USA for Environmental Law. In Chambers USA 2018, sources describe him as “"'[e]xtremely knowledgeable and hardworking[,]' and say [he] is a 'tireless negotiator' who regularly defends clients in enforcement actions." John received the Oak Leaf Award from The Nature Conservancy in 1991 for his pro bono work in support of TNC's conservation projects.

John serves as a Commissioner on the NC Rules Review Commission, which is appointed by the General Assembly with authority to review all temporary and permanent rules proposed by North Carolina government agencies, including the authority to veto rules that fail to satisfy specific statutory criteria. He is also a Certified Mediator for NC Superior Courts and resides in Raleigh, North Carolina.

John served as Special Master to the US District Court for the Eastern District of MO for In Re: Dicamba Herbicides Litigation, consolidated multi-district litigation involving claims concerning the application of dicamba and the sale of dicamba-resistant seed (from June 2018).


  • 耶鲁法学院, 法律博士, 1977
  • Duke University, 文学学士, 优异成绩, 1974


  • 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区
  • 北卡罗来纳州


  • US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
  • 美国哥伦比亚特区地方法院
  • US District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina
  • US District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina
  • US District Court for the Western District of North Carolina
  • 美国最高法院
  • 美国联邦巡回上诉法院
  • US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
  • US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
  • US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit


  • Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies
  • Board of Visitors (Emeritus), Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
  • NC Bar Association, Environment, Energy & Natural Resources Law Section, Co-Chair Agriculture Law Committee
  • American Agricultural Law Association