
Courtney M. Krawice

知识产权, ITC 337调查, 专利诉讼


Courtney Krawice helps clients with their intellectual property issues and needs. She has a background in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Patent Law and focuses her practice on patent litigation at the International Trade Commission and various district courts.


Representative District Court Experience:

  • Murj, Inc. v. Rhythm Management Group, LLC et al. (D. Md. 2021) – Drafted the winning motion to dismiss based on invalidity under Section 101 to favorably resolve single-patent infringement case.

Representative Section 337 Experience at the USITC:

  • Certain Smart Thermostat Hubs, Systems Containing the Same, and Components of the Same (ITC 2022-2023) – Settled investigation on favorable terms for patentee late into the discovery phase of a three-patent investigation concerning smart home and IoT devices patents while serving as the technical lead.
  • Certain Mobile Electronic Devices (ITC 2022-2023) – Obtained settlement on favorable terms for patentee Maxell days prior to the evidentiary hearing involving multiple patents related to image processing, fingerprint authentication, and wireless communication technologies.



  • American University Washington College of Law, 法律博士, 优等成绩
    Administrative Law Review, Senior Staffer
  • 乔治华盛顿大学, BS, magna cum laude


  • 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区


  • US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas


  • Co-Chair of the Washington DC Bar’s Intellectual Property Community