
Oral D. Pottinger

反垄断及竞争法, 诉讼及争议解决, 商业诉讼


Oral Pottinger advises clients on mergers and acquisitions, civil and criminal antitrust investigations, antitrust counseling, antitrust litigation, advertising and consumer protection matters. As a co-leader of Mayer Brown’s Electronic Discovery & Information Governance practice, Oral has served as a trusted advisor to corporate clients identifying and implementing effective e-discovery solutions addressing many complex legal matters, including: government investigations, class action discovery, data breaches, information risk management, defensible disposition, and e-discovery best practices.

Additionally, Oral is a hiring partner for the DC office.


  • Currently representing Foster Farms in several putative antitrust class actions, including In re Broiler Chicken Antitrust Litigation, Turkey Antitrust Litigation, Grower Pay Antitrust Litigation, and Poultry Wage-Fixing Antitrust Litigation. The complaints have been brought by a variety of potential classes alleging various conspiracies among poultry producers related to information exchanges, output restrictions, index manipulation, or price-fixing.
  • Currently providing antitrust advice and counseling to The Center for Audit Quality (CAQ) committees and its governing board comprised primarily of the U.S. Chairs and CEOs of the Big Four public accounting firms and BDO, Crowe, Grant Thornton, and RSM.


  • 美国乔治敦大学法律中心, 法律博士
  • Howard University, BA, magna cum laude
    Phi Beta Kappa


  • 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区
  • 马里兰州


  • US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
  • 美国哥伦比亚特区地方法院


  • 德语


  • Member, American Bar Association, Antitrust Section
  • Board Member, Hope and a Home