
V. Elizabeth Powell

金融服务监管及执行, 私募股权、基金和投资管理, 反洗钱


Elizabeth Powell is a staff attorney in Mayer Brown's Washington DC office and a member of the Financial Services Regulatory & Enforcement practice. She counsels foreign financial institutions on compliance, enforcement, and regulatory matters.

Elizabeth has experience assisting in internal investigations and defending financial institutions in supervisory enforcement proceedings and in complex international litigation.  She has advised clients on matters concerning US economic (OFAC) sanctions programs, anticorruption (FCPA) regulations, and anti-money laundering, often where issues relevant to foreign financial institutions, such as privacy and data protection, are at play.

In addition to the practice of law, Elizabeth has significant experience as a translator.  Most recently, she translated Swiss Financial Market Law in a Nutshell from German into English (Urs Zulauf and Mirjam Eggen (Dike Verlag: 2013)).


  • Washington and Lee University, 法律博士


  • 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区


  • 英语
  • 法语
  • 德语
  • 俄语