
Aubry D. Smith

公司及证券, 投资管理, 私募股权、基金和投资管理


Aubry Smith represents both sponsors and investors in all aspects of the establishment and operation of all types of private investment funds (closed-ended, open-ended, and hybrid) and managed accounts, covering strategies ranging from private equity, credit and VC/growth to hedge. He also advises on funds-related investment and strategic transactions such as co-investments, joint ventures, seed capital arrangements, and secondary sales of fund interests, as well as the establishment and acquisition of investment advisory businesses. Aubry has particular experience in the formation of credit funds and insurance-linked securities funds. His previous representations in secured lending and other credit-related deal work add depth to his experience in these areas.


  • The University of Michigan Law School, 法律硕士
  • Free University of Brussels, 文学硕士
  • Sarah Lawrence College, 学士


  • 纽约州


  • 法语
  • Modern Greek