- 两党组成的美国恐袭事件调查委员会的前委员(“9/11 调查”)
- 前美国商务部长
- 前美国驻罗马尼亚大使
- 前美国国防部副总法律顾问
- 前美国参议院情报特别委员会法律顾问
- 针对联邦调查局、反恐情报和2009年11月5日德克萨斯州胡德堡事件设立的威廉•韦伯斯特委员会的前委员
- 前美国商务部副部长
- 前国家安全局总法律顾问
- 海外私人投资公司(OPIC)前董事会成员
- 美国商务部的两名前总法律顾问
- 美国-伊拉克商业对话委员会的现任主席
- 前联邦调查局局长特别助理
- 前美国移民归化局总法律顾问
- 前总统副助理和幕僚秘书
- 前美国参议院司法委员会打击犯罪和恐怖主义小组首席法律顾问
- 两位前美国贸易代表
- 前美国参议院国土安全和政府事务委员会法律顾问
- 前商务部副总法律顾问
- 防止大规模杀伤性武器和恐怖主义扩散委员会的前总法律顾问
- 前美国众议院康涅狄格州第六国会选区代表
- 负责重写联邦采购法律的第1423章小组(采购咨询小组)前主席
负责本行国家安全业务的几名律师目前保持着美国政府给予的高级别安全许可,这让 我们可以就涉及机密信息的高风险事项为客户提供服务。现时仅有为数不多的律师事务所旗下拥有诉讼律师获发所需的许可并配有足够经验去处理此类事宜,而我们就是其中的一家。不但如此,我们还在国防部军事和情报机构关注的事务上拥有丰富的咨询经验。
我们就涉及网络安全和数据隐私的动态法律和政策议题向客户提供咨询,这些议题涵盖新技术、国家安全、执法和监管等要素。我们富有经验的律师来自各个细分法律领域,包括监管、知识产权、诉讼、政府、金融服务监管和执法、雇佣和商业以及技术采购。 我们帮助世界各地的客户遵守数据隐私和安全方面的各种监管义务,同时在不断变化的威胁环境下使风险减至最低并大大拓展商机。我们在以下关键领域提供战略咨询:安全事件准备和违规后的响应;诉讼;战略咨询和企业管治;供应商和供应链管理,合同签署与数据传输;监管与合规;政策与倡导。
- Representing an individual criminal defendant in connection with presidential commutation related to US-Iran diplomatic negotiations.
- Represented a contractor in litigation with respect to development and deployment of a new-generation, three-dimensional long-range expeditionary radar.
- Advise a global petrochemical company on compliance with the US sanctions and export controls on Iran.
- Represented a contractor in litigation with regarding design and development of a new long-range anti-ship missile.
- Defended a former DOD procurement officer against charges of espionage.
- Representing a contractor in a dispute involving the development and deployment of the US Army’s next-generation tactical vehicle.
- Served as lead counsel in DOJ criminal investigation of the security contractor alleging violations of the federal export control laws and firearms laws related to the provision of services to the US government as well as efforts to obtain business in other parts of the world.
- Representing a contractor in litigation involving fixed-wing pilot training for the US Army.
- Advise a major global consulting firm, and its related entities worldwide, on compliance with US sanctions and export controls.
- Represented a contractor in a dispute involving the operation and management of national nuclear weapons complex facilities.
- Represented US military officers in connection with US Senate investigation arising out of the use of enhanced interrogation techniques.
- Represented a contractor in litigation regarding a contract for the management and operation of US Air Force space launch sites.
- Advised a foreign buyer with respect to acquisition of a US firm providing defense services, including negotiations with the Defense Security Service and CFIUS.
- Represented a contractor in litigation involving a contract for collection and analysis of immigration data.
- Represented a US energy technology firm in the CFIUS review of its joint venture with a Chinese state-owned enterprise, and developed anti-corruption, sanctions, export control and antiboycott compliance programs for the joint venture.
- Represented a contractor in litigation concerning a contract for operation of a US Army ammunition plant.
- Represented a US security contractor involved in providing security training to foreign law enforcement personnel at a Middle East facility built by the US government in connection with. a grand jury investigation based on allegations that the contractor was providing ITAR-controlled military training without obtaining the required export licenses from the US Department of State.
- Advised a contractor with respect to various programs involving space systems.
- Advising an international hospitality company in connection with licensing requirements to expand business operations into Cuba.
- Advised a contractor with respect to compliance with DOD’s Mandatory Disclosure Rule involving defense articles.
- Represented a contractor with respect to litigation involving systems to process and protect data regarding government benefits for the elderly and disabled.
- Represented a security contractor in a series of matters arising from the firefight that arose in Nisur Square in Baghdad in 2007.
- Represented a security contractor in connection with the federal inquiry into the September 2013 fatal shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington DC, including parallel investigations by the FBI, the Secretary of the Navy and Congress.
- Represented a leading European financial services firm in the CFIUS review of its multi-billion-dollar merger with a US counterpart.
- Represented a Cayman Island hedge fund in a successful challenge to a restraining order issued at a foreign government’s request under the USA PATRIOT Act.
- Advising multiple companies on best practices to establish a managed services program to oversee the hiring and mobility of talent across borders, the required employment, benefits and immigration processes to optimize the program and the impact of export control, FCPA, and data protection regulations on their immigration and mobility programs.
- Assisted a foreign financial institution in its internal investigation of possible violations of US restrictions on dealings with nationals or enterprises of Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria.
- Representing a foreign government in its dealings with DOJ relating to the foreign government’s efforts to repatriate the “Bahia Emerald.”