- 国際的に宣言されている人権の保護を支持し、尊重する;
- 環境問題に対する予防的アプローチを採用する;
- より大きな環境責任を推進するイニシアチブを支援する;
- 強要や贈収賄を含むあらゆる形態の腐敗に反対する。
- 貧困削減;
- すべての人に包括的で公平な質の高い教育を;
- 手ごろなクリーンエネルギー
- ジェンダーの平等と、より一般的な不平等の是正;
- 平等なアクセス、正義、強固な制度の促進;
- 気候変動対策;
- 責任ある消費と生産。
- We will continue to emphasize the importance of well-being for our lawyers and business services staff.
- We will continue to provide ESG-related learning and development opportunities for our lawyers and business services staff.
Community and Pro Bono
- We will use our resources as one of the world’s largest global law firms to tackle systemic issues and challenges, including by donating tens of thousands of hours of legal services to the poor and disadvantaged and to the organizations that serve them.
- Our lawyers and business services staff will continue to support pro bono and community service activities around the world, including through Project Equity, our commitment to addressing issues of social justice, and other causes consistent with our stated goals.
- We will continue to contribute to a wide variety of charitable organizations directly and through the fund-raising efforts of our lawyers and business services staff.
Consistent with our Environmental Policy, we will:
- Reduce adverse effects of our operations on the environment and minimize pollution from our activities.
- Implement a strategy to reduce our carbon footprint and press our suppliers and service providers to do likewise.
- Continue emphasizing the use of buildings that, through their design, construction, or operation, reduce or eliminate the negative impacts on our climate and natural environment. These include, for example, LEED-certified buildings in the US.
- Evaluate our supply chain and prioritize relationships with organizations within our supply chain that have adopted a similar commitment to ESG principles.
- Ensure that we are mindful of all the resources we consume in our business and will prioritize the use of sustainable products and remain fully committed to participating in recycling programs in the cities in which we operate.