
With our international reach and our experienced and practical team of cybersecurity and data privacy lawyers, our firm can serve clients across a full range of domestic, international and cross-border privacy issues. The cybersecurity landscape is evolving more rapidly than ever before, and the threats to businesses’ critical information and assets—as well as to their bottom lines—are only increasing. Breaches continue to grow in scale and sophistication, regulators are crowding the field with an expanding and shifting array of requirements and de facto standards, and litigation remains perilous. Now, more than ever, businesses must think strategically about the cyber threats they face—whether to consumer or employee information, intellectual property or product safety—and take practical steps to address the associated legal, business and reputational risks.


Mayer Brown’s global Cybersecurity & Data Privacy practice addresses the full range of legal, business and reputational risks posed by cyber threats and data privacy obligations. We help clients prioritize and manage these risks in a proactive and coordinated manner across their enterprises, with a focus on the following core areas.

Cyber and Privacy Resource Center

Stay up to date with the latest resources relevant to cybersecurity and data privacy. Learn how to manage evolving legal risks, keep up with recent regulatory developments, and stay apprised of what your business needs to know to navigate the cybersecurity and data privacy landscape.

