
Data Privacy Law In Hong Kong Set for an Update: The Good, the Bad and …


Gabriela Kennedy delivered a webinar on the proposed amendment of the data privacy law In Hong Kong on 14 May 2020 to the members of Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA). 

Following a welcome speech by the Chief Policy Officer of Asia Video Industry Association, Gabriela kicked off the webinar with an overview on Hong Kong data privacy laws and illustrated in a wheelhouse the core principles around administering data. Gabriela then examined the impetus for change of the current Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO) set against the significant changes in other countries. The team looked at the proposed amendments in detail and compared the current position with the proposed amendments covering mandatory breach notification, data retention policies, direct regulation of data processors, the expanded definition of “personal data”, the regulation of doxxing. The team highlighted the glaring omissions in the proposal, including increased rights of data subjects, and the cross-border data transfer provisions.


