
Overhaul of Regulatory Capital Requirements Proposed By US Banking Regulators

On August 17, 2023, structured finance partner Stuart Litwin (Chicago, IL) and bank regulatory partner Matthew Bisanz (Washington, DC) will speak at the National Academy of CLE on the new US Basel Endgame proposal.

The US federal banking regulators have jointly proposed extensive revisions to the regulatory capital requirements for midsize and larger US banking organizations. The revisions are lengthy and would change the requirements for credit, market, and operational risk. Some of the revisions are long-expected (e.g., re-evaluation of use of internal models), but others are novel (e.g., capital charge for operational risk) or driven in response to the recent banking crisis. Further, the revisions are expected to materially increase the amount of capital that many larger banking organizations must hold, which may lead to a decline in bank lending and bank trading activities.

For additional information on the presentation, please visit the event webpage.

