
Ports & Maritime News | September 30 - October 6, 2024


The Ports & Maritime team has compiled the sector’s main news for the week of September 30 – October 6 to keep you in the loop.

Brazil's National Agency of Waterway Transportation (ANTAQ) extended the deadline for submitting contributions to the ANTAQ 2025-2028 Regulatory Agenda Proposal and the Regulatory Result Assessment Agenda.

Source: ANTAQ

ANTAQ held the final participatory meeting on the proposed ANTAQ Regulatory Agenda 2025-2028. The meeting was the last to address the issue, and dealt with inland navigation. A total of three meetings were held, the first in Rio de Janeiro, which discussed maritime navigation, and the second in São Paulo, which dealt with port facilities.

Source: ANTAQ

ANTAQ held Public Hearing No. 11/2024 this week to hear input on the proposal to revise ANTAQ Normative Resolution No. 01/2025. This regulation addresses the procedures and criteria for the chartering of ships by EBNs in port support, maritime support, cabotage and long-haul navigation.

Written contributions must be submitted by October 23.

Source: ANTAQ

The Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) plenary unanimously revoked the precautionary measure requesting the suspension of Provisional Measure 1.255/2024 (MP). The MP deals with the authorization for the accelerated depreciation of tankers produced in Brazil and used in the cabotage of oil and oil products. The authorization of differentiated quotas for this activity may be granted through the executive branch by decree, in accordance with the minimum local content indexes defined by the National Energy Policy Council.

Source: Portos e Navios


