
Mayer Brown joins "Employers for Equality" as founding member


Mayer Brown has become a founding member of the "Employers for Equality" diversity and inclusion program in Germany. The program enables member companies to share best practice, and access a variety of diversity and inclusion resources, including practical training, events, mentoring and networking.

Mayer Brown and nine other organizations have signed up as founding members of Employers for Equality — which is a new initiative launched by the gender equality social enterprise PANDA GmbH.

Commenting on the motivation for the initiative, Isabelle Hoyer, program organizer for Employers for Equality, said: "We want to make a tangible, accountable and measurable contribution to the drive towards greater equality in the working environment."

"Creating a diverse and inclusive work environment is an integral part of Mayer Brown's strategy. Our aim is to create a working environment that is free of prejudice and supports an inclusive culture in which our employees are always appreciated and treat each other with respect. Working in cooperation with "Employers for Equality" gives us new platform to inform our approach to diversity and inclusion and accelerate our impact," said Dr. Guido Zeppenfeld, office managing partner in Germany at Mayer Brown.

Mayer Brown has signed the "Charta der Vielfalt" (Diversity Charter), a voluntary commitment of the signatory companies to promote diversity and equality in the world of work. Mayer Brown is also a partner and active supporter of PANDA | Women Leadership Network, a networking organization that promotes gender equality.

Contact: Email Mayer Brown "Employers for Equality"

