Linda Shi是美博芝加哥办事处诉讼及争议解决业务组的律师。她代表全国性公司和跨国公司处理复杂的联邦和州级法院诉讼案件。Linda的执业经验涵盖会计责任、反垄断、侵权、合同、产品责任、证券等领域。她处理过许多集体诉讼案件,包括代表公司客户处理反垄断、产品责任、证券以及《电话消费者保护法》下的索赔事宜。她在白领辩护领域也具有经验,曾协助公司客户开展内部调查,涉及违反《反海外腐败法》和《反虚假申报法》的事宜。
在2013年加入美博之前,Linda曾担任美国第十巡回上诉法院首席法官Mary Beck Briscoe的书记员。她以优异成绩从芝加哥大学法学院获得JD学位,在该校曾担任《芝加哥大学法律评论》的书评和文章编辑。在法学院就读期间,Linda曾在美国司法部反垄断局实习,并曾担任Richard Posner法官和William Landes教授的研究助理。入读法学院之前,她曾担任经济顾问,为诉讼专家提供支持。她以优异成绩获得耶鲁大学文学学士学位。
Investigations and Enforcement
- Represented a publicly traded manufacturing company in a DOJ and SEC FCPA investigation involving alleged conduct in China and elsewhere. Conducted interviews in Mandarin Chinese and worked with local Chinese counsel on the interaction of various Chinese laws (including Chinese blocking statute, as well as Chinese employment and state secret laws).
- Represented public companies in SEC and other regulatory investigations.
- Represented accounting firms in PCAOB investigations.
- Represented a Fortune 500 company in a multistate attorneys general consumer fraud investigation.
- Represented a private equity portfolio company officer in a parallel DOJ and SEC investigation of alleged securities fraud.
- Represented a Fortune 500 company in OFAC investigation relating to product sales to Iran.
- Represented a publicly traded UK construction company in internal investigation involving allegations of bribery involved with the building of a hospital in Morocco.
- Represented a hospital in an investigation involving alleged false submissions in its cost report.
- Represented a charter school operator in an internal investigation involving alleged improper payment by a third-party vendor.
- The University of Chicago Law School, JD, with honors
Book Review & Essays Editor, The University of Chicago Law Review - 耶鲁大学, BA, cum laude
- 伊利诺伊州
- US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
- 英语
- 普通话