Todd Davidovits regularly helps established and start-up companies develop, protect, and license software and intellectual property, with an eye on maximizing ownership and growth and supporting a strong exit strategy. Production companies and agencies turn to Todd for his in-depth knowledge of sponsorships, collaborations, film production, and music events. Todd has helped Ecommerce companies resolve complex intellectual property issues on leading Ecommerce platforms. Clients seek out Todd’s advice to successfully navigate the rapidly evolving Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) landscape and develop strategies to effectively use AI and Machine Learning to enhance their businesses.
- Advised software, entertainment, and healthcare clients on strategies to protect and leverage AI and ML tools.
- Guided healthcare software and device companies on development of software and licensing strategies to maximize ownership and growth.
- Advised, drafted, and negotiated software development agreement for development of bespoke software for use in financial services.
- Advised large E-Sellers on intellectual property issues with regards to ecommerce platforms.
- Advised fintech company on acquisition of insure-tech company.
- Shor Yoshuv Institute, BCH
- UCLA School of Law, 法律博士, with a focus on Entertainment, Media, & IP
UCLA Entertainment Law Review, Submissions Editor
- 伊利诺伊州
- 密苏里州
- 纽约州
- 英语
- 希伯来语