



  • Representation of US, Japanese, German, French, Finnish, Malaysian and other exporters in numerous Chinese anti-dumping investigations involving products such as chloroform (leading to a favorable settlement agreement), silicone (resulting in the lowest duties imposed against any exporter), and paper (resulting in the exclusion of the products exported).
  • Representation of Chinese exporters of silicon metal and their US importers in anti-dumping proceedings that lowered a duty of 139 percent, which had stood for more than 15 years, to less than 8 percent.
  • Representation of US manufacturers in various Mexican anti-dumping investigations, including ones on newsprint and line pipe, which resulted in no duties.
  • Successful representation of several US manufacturers in Section 201 (safeguard) proceedings concerning imports of cold-finished steel bar and semi-finished steel products.
  • Representation of Russian fertilizer and chemical manufacturers in EC anti-dumping investigations involving potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate and UAN solutions (all of which resulted in favorable price undertakings), as well as urea, carbon black and silicon carbide (in which the investigations were terminated).
  • Representation of US and Argentine manufacturers in a Brazilian anti-dumping investigation of PET resin and the ensuing WTO dispute settlement challenge, which resulted in removal of the duty.
    Representation of Philippine cement manufacturers in the first safeguard investigation in that country, which led to significant duties protecting the local industry from imports of gray portland cement and clinker.
  • Representation of a large sports brand and seven suppliers in China and Vietnam in the EC anti-dumping proceeding concerning leather footwear, which resulted in the complete exclusion of special athletic footwear.
  • Representation of Korean shipbuilders in the EC Trade Barrier Regulation investigation and subsequent WTO dispute settlement proceedings involving alleged subsidization of the shipbuilding industry, which resulted in a finding of virtually no subsidization.


  • Band 4: International Trade: Trade Remedies & Trade Policy – Chambers Global (USA)

